Monday, December 11, 2017

Baby Christ

I’m a big fan of Shauna Niequist anyways but this really inspired me (and inspires me even more now, in this new-baby season I’m in again!) and I’m hoping it will inspire some of you too! If you haven’t ever read any of her books, I highly recommend them. They’re beautiful essays filled with Jesus, grace, love, and Shauna beautiful imperfection that invites us to all be our own perfectly imperfect selves. <3

“All alone in our house with my son, in the midst of a frantic holiday season, I knew that that moment right there, in the dim corner of the living room on a dark Monday afternoon, that was the merriest Christmas moment for me. The sweetest moment of gratitude and hope happened right then, in our quiet house with my son, kissing his little baby feet.

And it is, after all, a season for babies. It makes sense to me in a new way that God chose to wrap his divinity in baby bones and baby skin. I always thought maybe it was to demonstrate vulnerability, or to identify fully with each phase of humanity, but now I think it was something else. I think it was because babies make us believe in the possibility and power of the future.

It’s genius that the Christ, the Messiah, came as a baby, not because of his helplessness, but because of the possibility every baby holds.”Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist)

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