Thursday, April 19, 2018

Family Reads

We’re very much a reading family and today I thought I’d share what everybody’s been reading lately

Ryan: The Money Answer Book (nothing new since we already follow the Dave Ramsey finance method, but definitely motivating to re-read) and Capital Gaines (We love Fixer Upper! We borrowed the first two seasons from the library and are always excited when we see this one on during a hotel stay. I read their first book and loved it so then I read their second and passed it along to Ryan too. He’s very like-minded and is enjoying it a great deal so far)

Me: Finding Spiritual Whitespace for nonfiction (not what I was expecting and broken up into such tiny sections that it’s somehow taking me forever to read but in general I am liking it so far) and Caddie Woodlawn for fiction (another middle-grade novel… hitting those really hard this year! Just started it but it sounds good and I’ve been excited about it for quite a while)

A (five years old): We are reading the second Boxcar Children book, Surprise Island, as a read-aloud right now. He’s also on an airplane kick and has recently very much enjoyed Violet the Pilot and Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot, and I think I’ve probably read Boxes for Katje ten times in the past two weeks. He’s also still very much into our Mary Engelbreit nursery & fairy tale book.

B (three years old): Her tastes haven’t changed much in the past few months so she’s still into the same things: Ladybug Girl books, Little House picture books, our Mary Engelbreit nursery & fairy tale book, and anything unicorns/princesses.

C (23 months old): Sweet little C is so obsessed with owls and piggies right now. She recently loved Aunt Pitty Patty’s Piggy, which I did not, and I suffered through that library book a good 20 times before she grew tired of it. She has even been calling herself "Pitty Patty Piggy" with a snort from time to time =]    Other recent interests: Olivia Loves Owl, Secret Pizza Party, and that same beloved Mary Engelbreit nursery & fairy tale book.

D: This past week D has suddenly seemed to actually be interested in the book I hold while she sits in my lap. This means I have to put her down to read to the big kids now, bummer, but it also makes it so fun to read her the Indestructibles books her grandmothers have gotten her. 

We also read a devotional and a bible story each morning and our current book choices are One Year Devotions for Preschoolers (Eh, I'm ambivalent about it and have a feeling I'll end up doing something else pretty soon) and The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible for the third time. I really love that one. I like all our Bible story books for various reasons but this one holds B's and C's attention but has a deep enough discussion question at the end that it isn't too watery for A.

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