Saturday, November 7, 2020

7 Quick Takes

*Inspired by Camp Patton

Sunday- I bought a kind of gluten-free Cup o Noodles while grocery shopping and it turned out to be the yummiest food of this week. My kids keep asking, "When are we gonna get some more of that garlic ramen?" I tried making our own version later this week and it was pretty good but still, they want the real thing. 

Monday- I finally finished The Edge of Belonging by Amanda Cox*. This was such a sweet story about homelessness, adoption, mental health, an unconventional definition of family, second chances... I just adored this story. "It's not about my pain versus your pain. It's about sharing in the human experience and knowing what it is to hurt. It takes courage-- stepping forward and healing when it's so tempting, so safe, to stay and worship the altars we've built to our pain."
*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Tuesday- Election Day! I had stayed up until 2:30 am getting podcast episode 3 ready so honestly, Tuesday feels really fuzzy and hard to remember. But I do remember that Ryan was out working and watching election coverage so after the kids were all in bed I read (and approved of) this book for A in a "Rest and Relax" Epsom salt bath.

Wednesday- Episode 3 launch day! Wednesdays are insane for us these days. After math lessons I took care of all my crazy podcast launch work and then went home for lunch + homeschool readings + the kids' educational movie day- they picked Wild Kratts Predator Power.

Thursday- A had a special movie date night with us and we tried E.T. He loved it. I still think it's a very magical, well-done film (especially the iconic flying bicycle scenes, gosh) but I really hate how much obnoxious language the kids use in this one. We had a nice chat about that. At the end, he was so delighted. A walked out to tuck himself in and Ryan whispered to me, "That was the dumbest movie ever." 😆

Friday- I threw out my back in the dumbest of ways- yawning. My upper back is in the most ridiculous pain BUT my older girls were so enamored by the sunset and it was pretty much the cutest thing to listen to them talk about its beauty so still a wonderful day.

Saturday- here we are! I worked for six hours (recorded episode 4 of The Christian Bookworm to release on Wednesday, set up a few upcoming guest interviews, scheduled a few blog + social media posts, answered some emails, etc), and after I publish this I'll be picking up a few grocery staples before I had home for a ridiculously busy afternoon and tomorrow.

I hope you all had a great week this week! If you haven't yet done so, please help me out and fill out this super short five-question survey about books and reading

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Thanks so much for your comments! I always read them, don't always have time to answer quickly. Sorry about that!