Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Recent Reads

Beautiful Mess… I started this one with my mom’s group a couple years ago. They never finished it because they moved on to a different book halfway through the year so I started it over on my own. Halfway through that round, I started studying Breaking Free with Ryan’s cousin. I finally just finished it! I ultimately liked it, but I didn’t get a ton of new wisdom from it. There were definitely things here and there, and I especially got a lot from the lost three lessons I was super happy to be able to share with a new friend who is going through a lot (actually… can you pray for my friend’s son’s health, and for my friend as she navigates the stress of his injuries + caring for her parent + managing a business and home and life?), but in general it wasn’t as deep as I really like a devotional or Bible study to be. It was excellent for building mom-confidence, and I would still highly recommend for a new mom who is just starting to bring faith and motherhood together.

Counterfeit Comforts… I know I’ve raved about Breaking Free and I have to say that you are suffering from any kind of block… an addiction, an unhealthy coping mechanism, an inability to move on from emotional pain in your past, etc., you have got to read Breaking Free and then follow it up with Counterfeit Comforts. Oh my goodness!!! These books are truly amazing and have taken my faith, marriage, parenting, writing, life in general to a whole new level. Levels. I can’t even stress to you how much change has happened to my heart because of these books. Five stars, guarantee you I’ll claim it as one of my favorites of 2019.

The First Four Years… I didn’t dislike this book by any means, it just wasn’t my favorite of the Little House books. I honestly expected it to be my favorite since I would get to read about Laura’s experience as a mama, but instead it just didn’t resonate with me the way the others did. I’m so sad to be all done with her story! But I still have Farmer Boy to go, and then my grandma told me there’s a book out written in Caroline’s perspective that I’m looking forward to trying too.

Mind Games*… I have trouble finding grown-up fiction I can really get into. I always especially loved the suspense/thriller genre but really can’t handle it emotionally these days. All the awful imagery is just too much for me. I pretty much completely avoid this genre altogether these days but the description of Mind Games (by Nancy Mehl) just sounded so good! I decided to try it and told myself I would just put it down if it got to be too much… but it didn’t! Kaely Quinn, FBI profiler, is the daughter of a serial killer who is now doing her part to stop other serial killers… but now there is one after HER! Despite the subject matter being obviously alarming, it was written in a way that kept me hooked on the story but didn’t get too gruesome or gory for me to keep reading. I did have a sneaking suspicion of who the killer was, but I also suspected five other characters (one way out in left field but I thought it would be a good way to shock the heck out of everyone) so I was still hooked and wondering right up until we found out for sure. Also, her faith was written about really organically and never felt cheesy or broke the storyline for me. I am very excited to say this book was a five-star book for me and I greatly look forward to reading the next installment soon!

Stuart Little… The kids and I listened to this one as an audio book and all liked it pretty well. I never read the book as a kid, just saw the movie with Michael J Fox as the voice of Stuart and that crazy cute little boy. I wouldn’t say this is a new favorite but It was certainly fun and engaging.

*Bethany House sent me a free copy of Mind Games in exchange for my honest review. 

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