Tuesday, December 14, 2021

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

* Post idea originally found via Money Saving Mom 

1- The joy exposed by being a parent at Christmas, gosh. There's nothing more magical. Their rapt attention for our nightly Christmas book, catching them standing still and gazing at the Christmas tree, little voices singing and humming carols, gasps and sighs of delight when we drive by a particularly well-decorated house... 😍

2-  Practicing fun new hairstyles

3- Backlist Christmas podcast episodes I've saved up for this month! One during my workout each morning and a few when I drive into the city for groceries + errands! Money Saving Mom // Titus 2 Minute // Focus on the Family Christmas Stories // Bookend Homeschoolers // Christian Historical Fiction Talk // Read Aloud Revival

4- Our Christmas slideshow! Simplest decoration ever- create a folder on your computer just for Christmas photos then designate that folder for your photo screen saver to pull from. Turn on Christmas music and walk away! I do this every year and we all love it just as much every year!

5- The back of a Joel Rosenberg book sounded like my Grandpa's style so I ordered one for him on a whim. He plowed through the Last Days series and Auschwitz Escape and now they're on my shelf for me to try, too. I had a lot of book connections with my grandma but it really feels rare and precious to know I'll have one with my grandpa, too 💙

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