Thursday, April 18, 2024

Recent reads

📖 Catching the Wind (Christian, historical fiction, time slip)... I should be tired of WWII - journalist stories by now but I'm not! Melanie Dobson is one of my favorite WWII authors, too. 

📖 Long Way Home (Christian, historical fiction)... I'll start with the warning that there was a major focus on WWII tragedies + a character's depression, PTSD, and suicide attempt. This WWII story was a difficult read as a result but so good and well-done! 

📖 Searching for the Ark of the Covenant (Christian, nonfiction, history [kinda])... I loved this fascinating nonfiction and I am excited to learn even more about the ark of the covenant. I have so many thoughts and ideas about it! 

📖 An Unexplained Death (secular, nonfiction, true crime)... I got very curious about this true crime story and have read + listened to many interviews about it. This book was heavily focused on suicide. It's hard to say a true crime novel was good, given the subject matter, and I come to a different conclusion than the author because of other interviews paired with what's in the book, but overall I'd call it generally good. 

📖 When We Were Young (Christian, contemporary fiction)... This was my favorite "Baxter" book yet! I loved the influencer angle because it's something I think about so often! It's primarily about an unrelated couple who happens to know some of the Baxters and works very well as a true stand-alone for those who have never read the Baxter books. 


  1. I have not read any of these. Lynn Austin is one of my favs though so I'll have to check that one out for sure.
    I know I am late to the game but the first Baxter Family book just came in on Libby for me so I'm getting ready to dive into that whole saga :D and then I'll watch the show once I have read a few

    1. I have several other Lynn Austin books on my list so I'm happy to hear this! And i will be so curious to hear what you think about the Baxters! I hate book 1 because it's about an affair but everyone told me to push through and now I'm so glad I did!

    2. I have to admit knowing its about infidelity is one reason I keep putting it off.

    3. Definitely unpleasant subject matter. You could start with the prequel, The Baxters, to get a feel for it! I haven't actually read that one yet!


Thanks so much for your comments! I always read them, don't always have time to answer quickly. Sorry about that!