Sunday, January 24, 2021

Historical Nonfiction TBR

Into the Unknown


- Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas... I have a general knowledge of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and find his story to be inspiring but I've never actually read or heard the full story!

-The Boys in the Boat... I got this in a Little Free Library exchange, like, two years ago. I've been excited about it anyway but now I'm super excited to read it when we watch the Olympics!

-The Family Romanov by Candace Fleming or Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K Massie because my childhood love of Anastasia has kept alive a curiosity about the real story for all these years. 

- The Girls of Atomic City... Also a Little Free Library exchange pick I've had for two-ish years. I go through stages of really wanting to devour WWII nonfiction and not being able to stomach it at all. I think I'm moving back into a read-about-it-and-learn-from-the-past phase. Maybe, maybe, maybe this book will make it into my 2021 nonfiction selections.

- Into the Unknown... I snagged this Matthew Henson book in an amazing Good and the Beautiful sale and can't wait to check it out! I'm fascinated by stories of these old expeditions.

- Last Days series by Bill O'Reilly... After Sabrina talked about the grown-up up versions on episode 10 of my podcast I was so shocked and elated to randomly happen upon the young reader adaptations of the Jesus, Lincoln, and Kennedy books for NINETY NINE CENTS apiece!! This was a very exciting find for sure.

- The Touch of Magic & The Story of my Life... This Helen Keller & Annie Sullivan biography, part of the same Good & the Beautiful sale, is also on my shelf and making me very excited.

- The Tuttle Twins Guide to Courageous Heroes... I just flipped through this with A the other day and there are so many mini-biographies in here I can't wait to read! In fact... Boom, just grabbed it and added it to my morning reads stack. Mini biography each morning, don't mind if I do.

- Up from Slavery... Also from that delightful Good and the Beautiful sale! I've never read this one and have wanted to for a couple of years now so this one should be read pretty soon! Maybe. You know how the TBR list can move. It's a lot less like a numerical list, a lot more like the moving staircases in Hogwarts ;]

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