Thursday, February 16, 2023

Food for the imagination

"Reading of any kind-- aloud, alone, or along-- is food for the imagination, but only if the reading material is well-written, is meaningful, and uses good vocabulary. And yes, if you are selecting or suggesting the reading material, and you are reading aloud regularly to your children, then reading is a very effective form of giving your words. Good books can impact the imagination on numerous levels: The example of writing by an author who takes words in language seriously; a creative or imaginative concept that invites discussion; a topic that requires a higher level of thinking; a book that creates a world that you and your children can inhabit; a story with characters and topics that stimulate interest and discussion. Reading is a critical tool for imagination building."

- Giving Your Words by Sally and Clay Clarkson  

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Thanks so much for your comments! I always read them, don't always have time to answer quickly. Sorry about that!